Thursday, April 25, 2013

Digital Shmigital


Not going to lie: I used to HATE digital art. It looked so, well, DIGITAL, which is to say artificial and lifeless. When I make art, it's a very tactile thing - I respond to surfaces and tools and let them dictate some of the final product. You just don't have that with most digital tools.
But the thing is, I work a day job and I can't sit around with canvas and paint all day (yet). And as it happens, my work computer has Photoshop on it. muuuuWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!
So I decided I'd start honing skills like composition, color use, etc. Not to mention trying to figure out how to use Photoshop, which is perhaps the least intuitive computer program ever devised.
And now I'm addicted like it was so much sweet, sweet Blue Sky Meth.
Here's a couple of things I've done:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Miniatures. Teeth!

Amor Dentatus: The Gaze. Oil on canvas, 4"x4"
Amor Dentatus: The Coupling. Oil on panel, 3"x6"

Amor Dentatus: The Birth. Oil on Canvas, 5"x5"

Finished the mini-series (ha! Get it? 'Cause they're small... paintings... anyway). 

Submitted it to the gallery. Here's knocking on wood!